General Support Information for Document Solutions

If you are interested in operation manuals, manufacturer warranty cards etc. please use the Sharp download centre:

It is our aim to seek continual improvement in the service we provide to all of our customers, and therefore we value your opinion and try to use it positively. We would appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to complete this questionnaire.

Do you need a quick solution to a technical problem? With our live remote-assistance tool, a member of our support team can view your desktop and share control of your mouse and keyboard to get you on your way to a solution.

As a valued customer we have introduced an easy option for sending us your meter readings.

Our short video tutorials will help you to get the best from your managed print solution. Should you require any further assistance or guidance, please consult our 'Support' directory further to contact one of our service controllers or request remote assistance.

As a valued customer we have introduced an easy option for ordering consumables. 

As a valued customer we have introduced an easy option for logging service calls.

"How do I" is a general help form which is sent directly to our product support team so they can help solve general queries.

If you require help with anything else please use our contact form.